Monday, June 15, 2009

Blogger - I'm not!

Wow -- I'm not really too good at this thing. If it really were a new plant in my garden it would be dying about now. I'm not in the habit of "walking through" this space everyday, like I do my garden, noticing whats blooming, what needs watered, or pinched, or pruned.
Comments! I was so surprised -- it was like finding a volunteer seedling right out in the middle of path! How wonderful, I think -- then reality sets in and it's like -Now What? What do I do with these comments? Well, I'll thank you all for writing and being rays of sunshine in my day.

I'm not doing so well with this 23 thing thing. I get confused about where I am - and the page setups seem disjointed to me. It took me while to figure out how to get to this posting screen. I'm just as bad at facebook - I get an email telling me someone wants to "friend" me - and I don't know what to do when I get to my facebook page. I must be the only person on facebook with no friends! I think I'm a too much a pure text reader. I don't like magazines either with all the little boxes here and there, and please don't ask me to read a graphic novel!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having the experience of how much connection blogs can create between people. I'm falling behind myself, so don't feel bad! This is a non-cumulative program, so jump in and jump out as you're able. Since 'play' is our intent, we don't want to stress anyone out!
